Donald Trump Invites China to Build Cars in the US to End Biden’s EV Policy

Donald Trump would impose tariff of around 100-200% on each Chinese EVs manufactured in Mexico

One of Joe Biden’s administration’s primary goals has been to prevent Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) from entering the United States. However, Donald Trump, during his speech at the Republican National Convention, criticized Biden’s EV policy and proposed taking a different approach.

He stated that his administration would permit Chinese EV companies to set up facilities in the U.S. However, on the condition that American workers build and staff the production plants.

Large factories just started are being built across the border in Mexico. So, with all the other things happening at our border, and built by China to make cars and to sell them into our country.

We’re going to bring it back. We’re going to make them. We don’t mind that happening. But those plants are going to be built in the United States, and our people are going to man those plants.

Donald Trump would permit Chinese EV companies to set up facilities in the U.S.
Donald Trump would permit China automakers to set up facility in the US

The statements sound similar to the comments he made during a rally in Ohio back in March, where he invited Chinese automakers to set up plants in the States. Interestingly, BYD Co., China’s biggest EV manufacturer, plans to build one of the largest auto production facilities in Mexico.

Both Presidential candidates aim to prevent Chinese-made cars from entering the U.S. to protect domestic automakers. However, the Republic candidate seems to take a more business-oriented stance regarding Chinese companies manufacturing vehicles in the States.

Donald Trump stated that if re-elected as the president, he would introduce policies to discourage Chinese companies from expanding their operations in Mexico. Moreover, he declared imposing significant tariffs on Chinese EVs manufactured south of the U.S. border.

BYD plans to build one of the largest auto production facilities in Mexico.
Donald Trump would ban China EVs made in Mexico

Trump also said:

If they don’t agree with us, we’ll put a tariff of approximately 100 to 200% on each car, and they will be unsellable in the United States.

The former president condemned the United Auto Workers, a union representing over 400,000 workers in the auto sector, for endorsing Biden earlier this year. Also, he criticized the union’s stance on China using Mexico to import its EVs into the United States.

Trump expressed strong disapproval towards the UAW and proposed the immediate termination of Shawn Fain, the union’s president.